Download the AutoCAD drawing of intermediary habitat with
roof that contains:

Ground plane, DRC plan, plan first floor plan second floor
roof plan, group shopping, cutting,
main facade, facade secondary variant cells.

Execution details; stair detail, framing detail, plan
foundations, woodworking plan, cold water supply and
hot water supply, evacuation wastewater and sewage, supply
electricity, connection of the toilet bowl to the fall,
sill trim, sill of the middle, sole detail, parapet wall.


This file contains the AutoCAD drawing of intermediary habitat project with roof consist of nine group which each group contains four different cells these groups have a radial arrangement with a community space in the center of the project and there are also playground and green space sports grounds and parking areas.
dessin AutoCAD du projet d’habitat semi-collectif avec toiture incliné composer de 9 groupement dont chaque groupement contient quatre variantes cellules les groupements ont une disposition radial avec un espace communautaire au cœur du projet et on retrouve aussi des aire de jeux des espace verte des terraines sportif et des aires de stationnement.

habitat semi-collectif avec double mitoyenneté, Rez-de-chaussée quatre pièces cuisine avec garage et terrasse le salon ouvre sur le hall d’accès et après on a le dégagement qui dessert les autre espaces. Etage quatre pièces cuisine toujours le salon lier au hall d’accueil et les chambre et cuisine sont desservies par le dégagement.
This group contains three variants, intermediary housing simplex joint ownership horizontal, intermediary housing duplex and intermediary housing simplex dual joint ownership horizontal vertical.
First variant simplex with simple joint ownership
This cell is composed of three rooms and a kitchen with garage and terrace gives access onto a hall that serves the salon and a centralization of the remaining spaces around a release.
duplex, Rez-de-chaussée présente l’espace jour avec salon, cuisine, terrasse, sanitaire, garage et une chambre. Etage présente l’espace nuit avec quatre chambres, salle de bain, W.C.
Second variant duplex:
Ground floor presents the day space with lounge, kitchen, terrace, toilet, garage and bedroom.
Floor presents the night space with four bedrooms, bathroom and toilet.
Third variant intermediary housing with double joint ownership:
Ground floor with kitchen, four rooms and garage, terrace, the salon opens onto the entrance hall and after the release serves other spaces.
Floor kitchen four rooms the salon still bind to reception hall and room and kitchen are served by the release.
Ce groupement contient trois variantes, habitat semi-collectif simplex mitoyenneté horizontal, habitat semi-collectif duplex, habitat semi-collectif simplex double mitoyenneté horizontal vertical.


Are the groups which gives on the mechanical traverses these groups are composed of commercial properties and garage on the ground floor and housing upstairs for some cells, the template of these cells varied between DRC and R+1 the architectural language of the group shop rhymes with the architectural language of the group housing still with inclined roof and facade treatment which has the characteristics housing group.

sont les groupements qui donne sur le parcoure mécanique ces groupements sont composés des locaux commerciaux et de garage au rez-de-chaussée et de l’habitat a l’étage pour quelque cellules, le gabarit de ces cellules varié entre R.D.C et R+1
variantes, habitat semi-collectif simplex mitoyenneté horizontal, habitat semi-collectif duplex, habitat semi-collectif simplex double mitoyenneté horizontal vertical, jeu de volume, poste moderniste, d’ordre classique (symétrie, taxi ; socle, cœur, couronnement), l’ornementation classique avec la monumentalité des accès
The game of volumes calls the mind post-modernist which architect is free to follow some factors like structural or functionalism factors or the factors of a classical order (symmetry, taxi; basement, heart, coronation) except that the architect does not deny the aesthetic heritage that he reveres and he marks a return to classical ornamentation with the monumentality of access.
la cuvette, cône en caoutchouc entre le tuyau de chasse et la cuvette, pipe de raccordement entre la conduite de chute et la cuvette, conduite eaux-vannes, tuyau de chasse d'eau en plomb, mastic.

       -Ensure also find the execution folder of this project with the details of execution necessary and sufficient.
Detail of stair formwork with reinforcement, detailed plan and section of staircase scale 1/20
Woodworking plan with diagrams, descriptions and dimensions of doors and windows.
Plan sewage and water valves with details of breechings.
Electricity supply plan which shows the connection sockets and lamps with simple interpreter and interpreter comes and goes.
Plan and section of the bathroom detailed scale 1/20 that shows

-Cold water supply
Alimentation en eau froide, Alimentation en eau chaude, Alimentation en GAZ, Evacuation des gaz brulé, Robinet d'arrêt d'eau, Robinet d'arrêt de gaz, Raccordeur en coude, Raccordeur en T, Evacuation des eaux usées et vannes, Raccordement de la cuvette de W.C a la chute avec plus de détaille sur la cuvette, cône en caoutchouc entre le tuyau de chasse et la cuvette, pipe de raccordement entre la conduite de chute et la cuvette, conduite eaux-vannes, tuyau de chasse d'eau en plomb, mastic.
-Hot water supply
-GAS supply
-Evacuation of burnt gases
-Shut-off water
-Shut-off gas
-Connection in elbow
-Sewage Disposal and valves
-Connecting the toilet bowl to the fall with more details on the bowl, rubber cone between flush pipe and bowl, pipe connection between the downcomer and the bowl, sewage pipe, flush pipe lead Water, putty.
Detailed cut of floor slabs in 1/20th scale and volume of the floor slab that shows the mounting of the tiles on the nest with sand, slab compression, trellises welded, slabs, beams, reinforcement.
Roof plan with detailed storm water catchment
Foundations map showing the piping of stormwater and valve water to the main collector
Details sole formwork and reinforcement, detail poles formwork and reinforcement, detail frame, sill trim detail and sill of the medium with the detailed framework and stirrups, wholesale concrete pad, steel cover and the layer of gravel.
faîtière, madrier, chainage, baie d'accès, tuiles, lattis, chevrons, gouttière, couvre, faux plafond, maçonnerie, poutre, mur pignon intérieurs et de rive

Detail of the roof structure which shows details of the apex, plank, chaining, bay access, tiles, battens, rafters, gutter covers, ceiling, masonry, beam, gable wall and interior trim.
Details parapet has scale 1/10 which shows
-Joint tune.
-Record sealing.
-Protection heavy (rolled gravel).
-Concrete shaped slope 1.5%.
-Cork insulation.
-Vapor barrier.


                                      Format : .zip
                                      File Type: AutoCAD 2004
                                      File Size: 3.37 Mo
                                      Category: INTERMEDIARY HABITAT
                                      Language: French
                                      Date Submitted: 05/05/2012

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